Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Rich Gängl Colorado USA.

Rich Gängl
Gängl builds just 20-25 frames annually in titanium, steel, carbon fiber and aluminum but specializes in TIG-welded titanium and fillet-brazed and lugged steel. He also does exceptional restoration work, his frames have won world and national championships, he has a 6-12-month waiting list, and he himself is a two-time world champion on the track.
 more here- photo gangl_29_670_zps9e7df397.jpg  photo gangl_14_670_zps770e9e1c.jpg

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Tommasini Air Cx tt frame -Itlay

1 0F 8 FRAMES BUILT FOR THE BULGARIAN OLYMPIC SQUAD FOR THE ATLANTA 1996 GAMES!? off of ebay-  photo 637284261_o_zps036b4a8f.jpg  photo 637285176_o_zps7783d7e7.jpg

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Concorde - Erik Breukink - Netherlands

on ebay-
Concorde is a Dutch brand, but the frames were manufactured in Italy by Ciöcc-Conti, founded by Giovanni Pellizzoli and later taken over by the Bonati brothers. Concorde became known as a sponsor of the successful Dutch PDM-team towards the end of the 80s.  This frame was used by Erik Breukink, a time trial specialist who later became manager of team Rabobank.

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Monday, 18 February 2013

Liberia / RMO 1989 France

 Liberia / RMO Team  under CLM used on the  Tour de Frnace 1989 by thierry Claveyrolat 

more here-
and here-
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Friday, 15 February 2013

Samoilov - Russia

J.P. Samoylov is a famous Soviet/Russian framebuilder. He supplied the national teams with the frames over a long period of time. more here-  photo tumblr_md4pv4AUyY1rdl9jvo1_1280_zps17d2ffa7.jpg  photo 8432071465_929fdd369f_b_zps6977fd5c.jpg

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Monday, 4 February 2013